Online Teen Patti is a popular game in South Asia, and most of the players enjoy the game. Teen Patti Online gameplay starts with a normal deck of 52 cards, including the Joker. The game played with real money, and six players can participate in the game. However, the game is similar to Texas Hold ’em, and then each player can maximize the value of their pots to win the game either with three best cards or by placing hands down.
Play Teen Patti Online
It is a game of luck, experience and understanding all together. The minimum number of participants to play Teen Patti game is three people. Moreover, Teen Patti Online game played in lager groups. But it is best enjoyed within a group of six players. Once you draw the cards, the dealer is selected, and the person with the highest drawn cards gets to play that position. However, the game goes clockwise direction, and in every round, a dealer chosen. Moreover, ante collected from each player, and this is the initial pot which the players compete for. The pot is capped at equal 1024 times and played at a limit. The game played online, and it is not mandatory to play physically. You can place the ante via 3 Patti real money by Paytm cash deposit, and each player will deposit their amount.
Teen Patti Download
There are various pre-defined sequences of the 3 cards in Teen Patti. The existence of these sequences with a player decides the winner. More importantly, if all the players who are in the game till the end have sequence in their deals, a ranking decides who wins all the betting amount. This ranking is also stated beforehand in the game.